They say when you travel not only do you rest but your constantly learning and experiencing new things.Went to jogjakarta,i have to say south east asia is such a beautiful place,no wonder the westerners love coming here,culture's diverse,people are generally caring and generous.
In each trip i always find a lesson in life,in this trip i learnt 2
Firstly(conversation between tour guide and us at the volcano)
Tour guide - "OK guys go ahead first i'm going to shoot the rabbit"
Hence the individual response from each member of the family
Me - "Cool but how come i dont see any rabbit"
Sister(Who is currently doing journalism,international relations-very involved in human rights,indigenous people)
"Wow he's actually going to shoot the rabbit for the family dinner",then she goes on telling me about how people still have to hunt for food,bla,bla,bla
Mummy - "He has a gun ah"
My dad after listening to all our response,bursts out laughing,of course we thought he was being very insensitive,but he says
"Wht he actually was trying to say was he wants to go pee"
*Faint*....haha so embaressing
Talk about generation gap,but mum didnt know either:P
Lucky thing the tour guide didnt actually hear us
2nd lesson in life
We were shopping in some shop when we heard very strong winds outside,you could actually hear the zinc roof's moving around.
i thought it was quite normal,i mean it's quite a common occurance here,but there you could see all of them so terrified,there was a moment of shear panic outside the shop,people running,everyone looking up at the sky.
Thinking back later the reason they're so worried is because it's so prone for natural disasters the last earth quake was in 2006 the volcano is constantly erupting,so obviously they're shit scared.
We take things for granted,even the place we stay in,sigh,life is just too short,we really shouldn't waste it with petty things or worrying about what may happen....
HAHAHAHH ! Shoot the rabbit :D yeah man it was like a scene from chicken little.. the sky is falling the sky is falling