Hmm to start the roads were ridiculuosly bad,if anyone has travelled they would know,your just waiting for the huge pothole,or the idiot driver that drives like an ***hole.
Seriously there is so much land,if they could build bakun the least they could do was just make it a double lane.Oh and please take this sound advice and try not to travel at night unless of course u'r seriously thinking of no better way to end ur life then a road kill.The highlights of the trip are the same as every road trip people embark on.
Discovered bintulu a little,was the first time visiting although we've all bypassed it on our way,nothing much to shout about,but at least it has a sea view unlike sibu
Started off with yummy dim sum,of course cant beat the one's from west,but what to do beggars shall not be choosers
Headed on to miri, along the way stopped by Similajau National Park,nice place but it appears very poorly maintained,probably come back to explore another time.
As i hope what happens on all road trips (or maybe just ours) we were so sure the fuel would last till we reached miri,then again we are doctors and not mathematicians,so after the stretch of vast oil palm,meter started blinking.Oh oh now we think of saving the environment,off air-con & radio(start singing),wind down windows,thank god niah town wasnt so far,stopped at the Gua Niah National Park,more like a stop and see,drive again:)
Yay Miri - Civilization,haha at least for us = Bigger malls than sibu + Starbucks that the 3 of us will not forget + Ermm crazy dancing girls(poor john's scared for life) + Glorious indian food.Let the pics do the talking
Sadly before we knew it,time to say bye-bye miri....hopefully it's a start to more road trips to explore sarawak - this remarkable land,in the midst of working here:)
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