Had a great oppurtunity to actually go see one close-up,watched one some time back but from a distance.
Must say it's truly an amazing experience(personally not recommended to animal activist,vegetarians,faint of heart,those who are holier than thou:),of course when the local people see us they all think who let this crazy city people here,cause they assume we'll let it on to the authorities or that we're from the press,of course it didnt help that my friend had a huge ass DSLR:)He asked permission from the the chief about taking pictures of only the chicken.
He made a loud announcement "Tu doctor-doctor mau ambil gambar manuk aje,nadai ambil gambar orang,anang kacau mereka "
(Translation - these doctors are only taking pics of the chicken not the people,they're not going to cause any harm)
So for a while instead of the chickens we were centre of attraction:)
Now to describe the atmosphere,there's a huge ring in the centre,a makeshift tent cause they dont always have it at one place,the chief who handles the scores and biddings.They fight the chickens based on weight,people make their bets once the chicken are brought into the ring.
And in the background,you have people selling food(yummy chicken wings,haha the irony)the are lots of chicken sheds,you see the breeders feeding the chickens,giving last minute pep talk
"Eh better kick the ass of that chicken ok,i've invested a lot on you,otherwise you'l become chicken curry tonight" :P (Haha probably didnt sound like that)
The fight does not last very long actually,each cock has a blade attached,so the best one wins or sometimes both actually die(I know people will say it's inhumane and all,but it's how you see it i guess,at least i put up a disclaimer).Well for those who think it's cruel,do you actually see how your KFC chicken is KILLED???
So the crowd start's their own betting just before the fight starts,not exactly sure how much but i think from RM5-the thousands.People were very friendly,not rude,and really welcomed us,although u can see one or two suspicious glances just to make sure.
Anyway think u have to be there to experience it.Will post a few pics which my friend took,they're really good(the picture credit goes to him,did tell him to watermark it:p
Actually this game is played all over the world,some countries it's actually legalised,i don't think people mean harm,for the local's it's actually a simple game which probably now of course has turned into some kind of business/greed.But they seem to be enjoying themselves,who are we to judge or rob them of what they like doing

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