The dreaded mosquitoe is the cause of all this.I wonder if people are aware of the bigger picture,all the meetings and the hoo haa about the deaths,do they realise it's all political,a downplay of urbanisation,failure of development.It's getting worse,but of course it's not being openly publicised,it cant be,because people will start questioning.But why shouldnt they,they have every right too.I understand it is everyone's responsibility,but the whole blame shouldnt be on the healthcare givers.since the disease is so rampant why are we not doing more research,and so on.We're paying millions of tax payers money to send people to space yet we fail in vector control,sigh such a shame.
It's so sad to see them die from such an illness,we're not even talking about HIV or H1n1,this seems to be a lot worse.In the meantime,of course the healthcare workers have to scratch their head and manage the best to avoid any more mortality before the HIGHER levels gets to them,but how do they do that, when they're not even sure what we're dealing with.The HIGHER levels need to realise statistic are just numbers,we're dealing with lives here.Prioritise,act fast,before more lives are lost

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