Wednesday, November 17, 2010

When too many choices is a bad thing

First there was none,now there's one to many.And we're still not happy,why coz it doesnt feel right,it's not the time and of course the scary feeling of trusting again

The famous myth
  • When it happens you would know if it's right,wrong or if it's time

As i was having all this inner turmoils,plus having lots of extended family over for holidays.....

Went to Batu Caves with my family,plus the extended one.For me i was more excited climbing up and down the stairs,haha thought about how fit i am now compared to 10years back,haha so proud of course.Was telling my dad how i prefer coming here when it's not Thaipusam because i absolutely can't stand the crowd.No offence but do they really have to grind on you,it's terribly disgusting i have to add,we're not in some club for the love of god.

What he told me was something i didnt expect

"You see geet although every year there's a crowd,when you have a will to do something,you will always find your path or someway to do it,despite the crowd,the walk,heat,rain we still make it right"

"It's the same with life,not necesarily only spiritual,when you want something so badly,and work hard at it,along the way not harming anyone in the process,the path is then created,it may take some time,but not giving up and trying hard helps"

Sigh i mean of course i know all these things,but i hardly think of it,he put it into words so nicely,guess people say as you age we'd also get wiser.Of course i also hope one day it would impart such great knowledge/advice to my children,haha,wishful thinking :P

That's why my new resolve will be to concentrate on the bigger picture,try and make best of the oppurtunities i have,accept things happen for a reason,good or bad,try out as many things i can including travelling/helping people,looking at life with a more positive outlook and of course giving people a chance as well :)


  1. OoooOOOOooo Eat Pray Love !

    -Your Fanz

  2. Hello Dr Sang,
    Let me introduce myself, I'm Wong a final year medical student. I chanced upon your blog while doing some research on the working experience of a HO in Sarawak.

    How can i get in contach with you as I would like to enquire more about your working life. Hope to get in touch with you. Thank you

  3. Hi wong,

    sure i could tell you about what you need to know/what little i know about working in sarawak,just mail me what u want to know

