So i saw this poster in a Sibu coffee shop in town which said Sibu Mini Marathon.Wow finally,never thought Sibu actually had one.Ermm it's really mini only 7km,but what the heck everyone starts somewhere right??eventually one day i'l do a 26km,so it's baby steps for now.I love to jog and run so why not just join for the fun of it.It is a really positive thing to do anyways.
When through a website cause i thought i might as well get some guidance,got lots of inspiration and encouragements from friends who've done it,i was still thinking can i really....So what the webpage asks
By the way, why do you want to do this? Don’t let yourself off by stopping at your first answer! Dig deep!
So i'v dug deep and i think i just want something new and positive to focus on,rather then worry bout the problems i face,cause they're actually really trivial.It's so easy to give excuses for our own actions/behaviour but it's not always right.I guess this is just me.I see these marathon runners and i think they're really disciplined and motivated,i'm sure i could try and cause lately i like to prove myself wrong i think i will.
So yeah the countdown starts from today till 1/5/2010 lets see where i get to,shall rant occasionally of course.
"We run, not because we think it is doing us good, but because we enjoy it and cannot help ourselves. The more restricted our society and work become, the more necessary it will be to find some outlet for this craving for freedom. No one can say, 'You must not run faster than this, or jump higher than that.' The human spirit is indomitable."
guess i can use this as a warm up for the kl standard chartered run.