To honour the code,to serve the people,to get rich quick,past life changing experiences.We all have our reasons,no right and no wrong,just as long we're happy with the reasons we choose individually that's all matters.It would definately help to care a bit more,but a lot of factors come to play,we have our own stressors,problems,if we cant deal with our own how do we give the best to others.We all handle stress in different ways
Saying is always easy but it's practising what we say is the hardest.At the end work will always be work,we need to find that fine balance between work and play otherwise we'll be sucked into work so much it wont make us a better person at all,probably even make us bitter,passionless,revengfull,sad,depressed.So even if we're not into settling down we should do things to occupy ourselves or like they say an idle mind does worrying things.It could be anything finding a hobby,exercise,hanging out with friends,travelling,sigh anything except nothing:)
Good things,happy times will come,we just need to patiently wait for it.Bad times/worst moments will eventually pass.It helps having wishfull thinking and of course a little faith:)

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