Well you don’t know or put it this way you would never know,or then again would you??For years I’v always been bombarded/heard/discussed this,never really found the answer though.I love my romance novels,everyone expects the guys to come out like that,hmmm but do we ever find one in the real life???
So then early this January I met an old form six friend,we’d found each other last year thanks to facebook,did keep in touch a bit,and I was really curious about him because the last we met was over 7years back.I guess that was because I went to med school and india and he was here, so circumstances were such we just lost touch.Really wanted to meet him last year but was really busy with work and could only finally see him in January.
We met in Starbucks(yummy coffee), was actually on my study break,I admit I was nervous,I mean we’ve all grown up but meeting someone new is always something very intriguing,all these thoughts go in your head,what’l he think of you,do I look alright.But yeah when I saw him,it was a whoa moment.We had a wonderful dinner,managed to catch up on everything we missed this last 7years,and it was just amazing that there was this chemistry…..
Hmmm,now comes the scary part,I would know much later that this guy has liked me for 11years,till this day I think that’s something just crazy,way out of this world,I mean who on earth can like someone so much for that long.But the thing is I kinda knew that was the truth because he had something of mine from 11years back,something only a few people would know and keep,but it means a lot to me.All those times we dated other people,fell in and out of love,grew up,matured a lot but the most important thing was we both learnt to love and be happy and comfortable with ourselves first and only then this came by,just feels like it’s the right time……
So yeah from there despite the fact I was in sibu and he was in KL we managed to see each other at least once a month,he had work,I had work,we were both busy, but we found time to spend with one another.There was the phone calls,facebook messages,small things,things I’l always rememeber .

Eventually he asked me officially(ahhh May24 at Café Barbara-Coffee again)and I said yes,seriously who wouldn’t,he made me his number one priority,he got me a book copywritten under my name(I found out much later),he’s always been honest,I know what a very strong and a terribly loving person he can be,so even though I’m 11years too late I’m being very selfish in saying I’m so happy and lucky it was me.It’s something I never expected,never thought possible but it’s here and I’m greedily just sucking it all up,he always says it’l get better,and I’m always saying NO it won’t :P.When someone asked me so Sang is he the one??I didn’t hesitate when I said…….yes :) You see you’l just know it,at least that’s how I felt
So yes you know who you are,thank you for coming into my life and for loving me,we’re going to have a great number of years together.HAPPY 100 days love !!! It's only the beginning :))
the liquidator&the doctor |